Rabu, 18 April 2012


Kalian pasti sangat familiar kalau mendengar kata P A K A I A N. Pakaian merupakan salah satu dari kebutuhan premier selain makanan dan tempat tinggal. Di zaman yang makin berkembang pesat sekarang ini, pastinya kita menemukan berbagai jenis dan model pakaian. Pakaian apa saja sih yang kalian suka? pastinya nyaman dan bikin kita PD (Percaya Diri). Kebanyakan dikalangan umum suka menggunakan pakaian yang sedang IN atau BOOMING. Kebanyakan orang berpendapat bahwasannya mereka menggunakan pakaian sesuai dengan tren akan membuat mereka semakin PD dan terlihat modis.
Tapi...... jangan salah dibalik trend pakaian, secara tidak sadar kita telah menghambur-hamburkan uang....
Coba kita ingat deh, dalam suatu mode pakaian, paling lama hanya berkisar 3 bulan saja pakaian itu boming, selanjutnya ganti mode lagi deh...
Terus, kalo ganti mode, kita juga akan terus mengikuti mode dan secara tidak sadar bikin isi lemari pakaian kita sesak. kalo udah gitu kan sama aja buang-buang uang guys....
Terkecuali kita punya niatan untuk memberikan pakaian kita yang sudah tidak terpakai untuk di sumbangkan kepada saudara kita yang tertimpa musibah atau kita berikan kepada orang yang tidak mampu....
Jikalau kita menggunakan pakaian yang sederhana atau tidak mengikuti mode (sepanjang masa) kita tidak akan merasa rugi untuk mengenakannya dan membelinya. Dengan begitu kita tidak perlu sibuk menggunakan pakaian yang akan kita pakai....
Coba kalo pakaian yang mengikuti trend, ketika kita akan keluar, dan tidak ada pakaian yang cocok atau kebetulan belum dicuci, pasti kita tidak akan mau mengenakan pakaian yang sudah lewat masa trennya bukan???
ayo... coba kita ingat dan pikir lagi...
Tetapi, pada dasarnya, pakaian adalah selera bagi para penggunannya, jadi, kita tidak bisa melarang setiap orang untuk memilih model pakaian yang hemdak di beli atau di pakai. Kita kembalikan pada konsumennya.... :D

Kamis, 18 November 2010

foto ini diambil pada lebaran tahun 2009
senang rasa hati ini ketika keluarga berkumpul.
ini baru keluarga dari jakarta dan surabaya, belum lagi keluarga dari sepanjang, kediri, tulungagung, ponorogo, jember, surabaya beberapa bagian dan lain-lain.

huft . . . .

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

read it carefully and make either a summary essay writing or analytical essay writing essay

What am I going to do with my life?

David McCullough; February 11th, 2010

The history of XX century has proved that education is not only a right choice for a young person, but also it is an essential part of success in life and career. Every field of modern life demands the educated specialists to solve different problems facing our society. Democracy itself is based on educational values and proves the old statement “knowledge is power”. People need this power in order to decide what values are true for them and what are false, rather than blindly follow social convictions or someone else’s believes.

When people grow older, they become wiser and more experienced in many issues related to their life. Most of us acquire knowledge at the school of life, which is different for everyone in particular, but at the same time it teaches all people some important lessons they need to learn. College is like a small reproduction of the school of life. It teaches us many important lessons, which are not necessarily found in the curriculum. In a way, college reminds me a survival camp, except that it does not have physical trials, it tests only psychological, emotional and personal spheres of our life. That is why I believe that going to college is an important step for growing as an individual.

Perhaps, today some High school graduates assume that college is only about scientific and academic achievements, and therefore they find it boring and useless. Well, in a way it is an absolutely fair assumption. At college they teach curriculum that is not always applicable in our practical experience. However, there is another perspective, which I suggest to consider: college years will become the period of empowerment of your imagination, development of your skills, expression of your creativity, formation of your personality and finding your true self.

One of the distinguished features in the American education system is that, unlike in any other country of the world, it promotes and encourages creative and independent thinking among its students by means of interactive projects and activities. Besides, there are some practical issues to consider. First of all college provides the perfect training to achieve one’s career ambitions. Usually its academic program is quite flexible to provide students with options for choosing the best curriculum. Besides, there are many interactive programs that allow participation in special activities aimed to give more deep knowledge and experience in a chosen area of interest. Thus, college life is not as boring as it might seem, especially when one is occupied with the activities that he or she really enjoys doing.

Education in college does not stop at the classroom, but rather continues through internships and extracurricular activities. Besides, there is a great emphasis on teamwork and technology, reflected by numerous exciting courses and programs. Thus, college helps to strengthen both the theoretical knowledge and the practical skills necessary to secure a position in a reputable company.

Of course, there will be life outside of the curriculum. And while it is fun and entertaining, it also is a very useful experience in facing and resolving life issues. Everyone, who enters college, starts a new life that looks like a blank piece of paper. Whether one was a jerk or too shy, college gives everyone a second chance to become someone different, someone he or she always dreamt to become. It’s a power of freedom to become someone new or someone true. This chance opens many interesting roads, but there is only one to chose.

Commitment to another five years of studying is not an easy choice and it is perfectly fair to question the meaning and sense of going to college. There are many examples of successful people who quit the college or never went there and nevertheless managed to succeed. However, it is just a theory of probability, since we do not know much about people, who quit the college and did not become successful. Perhaps, there are a lot more of them. Perhaps, college education is just the insurance for the future success, but this insurance may one day become your lottery ticket.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Playing is My Study Mode

Playing is advantage because we can imagine, be creative, and sharped the brain. By playing, children discover and learn things or new skills that they know. Through play, children will be trained physically both cognitive ability and ability to interact with others will flourish.

Fantasy game, the games imagination created by the children in her world. We may often see and hear a child talking to himself while playing a doll. Actually he has his own fantasy and imagination about the character he played through the doll. Games like this for both right-brain intelligence because children learn to play naturally with the various characters he created, feel the emotional side of the characters who exist in his imagination, an will gradually understand the value of a good and a bad attitude and nature. However, children should be given space and time to play the game balanced between active, passive and fantasy so well balanced brain intelligence.

Drawing is an activity that full stimulation of the growth process of children. As well as, writing and playing an activity, drawing a benefit for a child’s develop. In educative, drawing is a fun learning method of children. Children naturally love to draw or graffiti on the discovery of many media, such as walls, bed linen cloth, paper, and book or toy objects. Expressive activity like this is a creativity that children need to be considered, developed and distributed appropriately, so that it can support the optimization of development interests, talents also intelligence.

Childhood is the golden age of the child and as a true learner children not only need the means or facilities completeness, but more than that they need a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. World full of fun playing a child needs. Therefore attention, support, motivation, and appreciation of older people as the nearest person is required to build a fun atmosphere, but benefit as a method of studying still achieved. One game produces brain that is comfortable and pleasant humor. Humor can increase the intelligence of children. Humor in children are directly related to intelligence, creativity, social skills, empathy, self-confidence, respect for oneself, and ability to solve problems more difficult. Meant intelligence is emotional intelligence as well as intellectual. A child who has a good sense of humor, which usually will be preferred by the friends of his age and adults because the child is able to liquefy and refreshing atmosphere, and he can please the people around him.

Playing does not have the negative side only, but the playing also has a positive side. Of a game, we can gain a lot advantage. For example: playing a dolls, we can imagine. Drawing, we can be creative, humorous, we can sharpen the brain, and so on. So, playing it has a positive side and we can get some advantage in the field of education from a game.

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Visited to Bawean island will not make you disappointed because a lot of beautiful places to visit, riches of product by nature, and uniqueness of culture. Have you ever to hearing Bawean Island? Most certainly a lot of people in Indonesia not know yet, let alone citizens Gresik much to knowing and visited in there. In Bawean Island we can find many a tourist object like in land or sea. The riches of nature on Bawean island is too much, some of which are Noko island, east and west Gili island, Kastoba lake, hot water baths, and so on. In Bawean island have too riches of nature, some of which are marble stone, red fruit, rambutan fruits, palm trees, and so on. Actually Bawean island not inferior to other cities, Bawean Island also has a uniqueness culture among porsema, mandiling, accompany the bride groom, and so on. Now that is a little introduction about Bawean Island more clearly let’s explore one by one, check it out.

Noko Island has two places, the first in east of Selayar island and the second was in western Gili island of east. Noko way to visit this island we have by boat for to visit in there. The difference with Noko island in western Gili island of east if sea water was receding, we can go through by walking from Gili to noko island. Noko island located in the east Selayar island, have very beautiful coral reefs. Gili island has two places, West Gili and East Gili. Gili is situated in the village near the western great (ward) west of the island is surrounded by earthen mangrove trees, mountains and sea. The island there is unique plant west of the coconut tree that branched off four. It is said that coconut water can be used as medicine. In the western Islands have shaped stone chairs and tables. In this island uninhabited but only because the village in a separate little by the sea and mangrove forests, and therefore this island there is a long bridge made of bamboo to get to the venue. Earthen Islands east of the village is included in Pamona, most inhabitants of this island livelihood as fishermen. Kastoba Lake the mountain temple the lake the only one in Bawean Island. The lake is also no less beautiful with wonderful charm and earthen Selayar Island. This lake has some myths that women who are menstruation should not bath in this lake because the lake water can turn into red color. That said, there are palaces in this lake because there are steps to the palace, but no one can penetrate the palace. Hot water place also include tourist attraction.Hot water based on mountains of marble.And contains sulphur. Hot water baths have two locations, first in keppo village, second in kebundaya village.

Marble stone is widely available in rural areas kebun daya village, rujing village, keppo village, and so on. This marbles enjoy doing a lot of domestic and foreign tourists. Usually if a marble stone in the home decoration such as pots, picture frames, statues, tables, chairs, and so on. Red fruit in Bawean island is different with Papua red fruit, the shape are round and little like an apple and very aromatic, the skin is red and yellow with feather. This fruit the only in bawean island therefore this fruit became characteristic of Bawean island. Rambutan fruits not only in Bandung, alone, in Bawean rambutan plants can also thrive In Bawean rambutan fruits there two types, there are red and yellow with feather colors What distinguishes this type of rambutan is a shape. Red rambutan rather large and very sweet, while the yellow with feather colored rather small size and slightly sour. Palm trees on the island of Bawean is utilized because of this tree has many benefits, such as fruit can be made kolang kaling, feathers from palm tree can be used as a broom, the trunk can be used as sago palm tree leaves, slices of water can produce, and from ordinary water called laang can be processed into toak, vinegar, and brown sugar.

Bawean has such a uniqueness of cultural some of which porsema, mandiling, accompany the bride groom, and so on. Porsema is an event that is only held within three years. Porsema is one container for residents Bawean develop talent, look, the kind of event porsema are sports, arts, dance, karaoke, samroh, kercengan, bands, bazaar, complaints cows, death, and so on. This event has its own purpose, which is best performed Bawean island will be sent out to the event to include in the race. Activities of the events that are often porsema to include in a race that often get the achievement is volleyball, making mats, zamroh, Mandiling event usually done at the time of marriage, mandiling a meaningful song that rhymes accompanied by music. Accompany the bride groom, the event was held during the evening reception, wedding wine was called with panganten amaen.